Tuesday, May 5, 2009

April Showers Bring May Swine Flu?

It's been months now without a computer that I can sit on the couch with. So...no blogging updates about JB and the Boys. Sorry family! We've been super busy and LOTS has happened.
So...here are some updates in a nutshell:

Steve is still busy busy with youth and church work and various papers he is writing. He has started working on the yard and fixing up various things around the house that need fixing. He mentioned this morning that it might be time for me to get the kitchen floor replaced!!!

Ben is still doing great in school. He is really enjoying reading and is currently working on the first Harry Potter book. I finally found something that takes him more than 30 minutes to read. Yea! He is also loving karate still. He has advanced to a green stripe belt. He went with his karate class to a tournament on Saturday all by himself. He won 3rd place in sparring (who knew?) and he bought himself a dragon holding a sword to hang on his wall. Mom was SO proud. :)

Drew is also doing well. He is proving to be a challenging 5 year old...pushing mom to really dig for some behavior strategies! He now has a behavior chart across his wall that seems to be working well for him. YEA!!! He is also playing t-ball for the Wild Hogs. (The bbq place in town is the sponsor....and we live in Kaufman. Don't make fun of his team name!) He loves it and we have fun watching his little team.

I am now mom to two new kittens these days. They are black and white orphans that were found in the church dumpster. Yea for me! I got to feed them with a syringe and teach them how to use a litter box and eat kitten food. For those of you who know me well, you now know that I LOVE my children. Nothing else would make me take care of orphan kittens. I have several friends I would have dumped them on so they would not have died, but they would not have been living in my house/garage for several weeks now had my children not been in LOVE with them. BTW they used the potty all over the leaves in the garage so they are now officially OUTSIDE kittens. I think they like it.

So...enough about kittens....last night I got a call around 9:00 that said school was cancelled until May 18 due to a case of swine flu. WOW. It feels very strange to be at home. So....all the laundry is done, I've cleaned my closet, the playroom is clean, the floors are cleaned....and it's only 1:24 pm. We have an eventful 2 weeks ahead of us, I'm sure. I've been on the internet some looking up creative Mother's Day gifts for the respective Grandmothers....Maybe this year we'll actually have time for cute gifts! I've been sitting at the desktop so I thought I would update.

Everyone should wash their hands, and if you are off work due to swine flu...have fun!


Steve Bezner said...

Sorry about no computer...seems like something that should get fixed over Swine Break.

If you'll call our friends at the Floor Store, I bet we can get this floor knocked out.

Anonymous said...

I've found that the virtual chore and behavior chart works for me. I use a site called Handipoints chore charts to make printables and it's really been fun so far!

e. l. wood said...

i too had the chart. it may have been before your time. special k may be getting one too in the near future. maybe it runs in the family.