Tuesday, June 2, 2009

School's Out (Almost!) For Summer!!!!!


One more day of kids followed by one more day of Teacher Work Day! I'm so excited. Summer is coming!

We've had a great school year. Ben has made straight A's in second grade and is excited about third.

Drew is PUMPED about being in kindergarten next year. He is now asking every day about being in school. He has several school shirts picked out already.

Steve and I are excited to have one less daycare bill starting in September. Yea!

We are also excited to exchange t-ball & homework for swimming at Hootie's house and outings with the youth.

The boys have VBS and a Grandparent trip with Mimi, Paw Paw and all the cousins next week so things are starting off with a bang.

We are so excited and we can't wait to see what the Summer holds!


Anonymous said...

I just smiled when I read "one less daycare bill."

That doesn't make me a shallow person, does it?

I am so ready for vacation!!!!

Emily said...

YEA for summer! Ready to get started on that summer tan. We are itching to get out- last day for the kids is tomorrow, then Friday workday. Woo hoo!
Hope we can play this summer. :)