Tuesday, February 23, 2010


We've got so much going on these days, it's hard to know where to pick up. We've had birthdays and Christmas and Texas SNOW since I've last written on the blog. We've also packed up our entire house in a POD and unpacked it the next day. We've had a broken stove, broken washing machine, broken car, broken treadmill, and our refrigerator sounds like the space shuttle about to take off, so I've no doubt it's next.

But in the middle of all that, daily, all I can think is of how thankful I am.

I'm thankful for my boys. For Drew who is always wanting to laugh and for Ben who's always up for a good story. And for Steve, who is my best friend.

I'm thankful that we are all healthy and that we have a house to live in and that we have food in our space shuttle refrigerator.

I'm thankful for friends who are supportive no matter what, for hand-me-down jeans, and for notes left in my box at work.

I'm thankful for parents who take time to drive to basketball games and for in-laws who drop everything to come and help with any task.

I'm thankful for in-town grandparents and teenagers who are willing to babysit without much notice.

I'm thankful for a church family here in Kaufman that loves us and is praying with us through major life-change.

I"m thankful for brothers and sisters and their families that are lifting us up in prayer.

I'm thankful for the families who are praying and thinking of being a part of The Commons in Fort Worth.

I'm thankful for the Denny's kids-eat-free on Tuesday nights.

Thank you, Jesus. I am so very thankful.


Steve Bezner said...

Holy cow. We forgot to eat at Denny's last night.

Emily said...

1) LOVE the new family pictures.
2) Thank you for the reminder to be thankful.
3) Thankful for you guys, more than you know.

e. l. wood said...

sweet pic of you guys. who took that?