Sunday, March 14, 2010

From my point of view:

There is one question that everyone asks me these days.

"How's that Fort Worth thing going?"

That Fort Worth thing is our life and it's all-consuming. It's a prayer with every breath. So it's funny to me when someone asks. Of course they don't know and are curious about what may seem like a crazy decision. (Quit your wonderful jobs and leave your amazing friends and church family and move to where you know one family. Get new jobs. Meet new friends. And start telling people about Jesus.) That does sound crazy. But when you know in the middle of your soul that God has called you. REALLY called you, it's the only thing that you can do.

So, our lives are rocking along here in Kaufman and the time is going by quickly. Things are moving along on the new church plant. God is real and the way we know we are doing what we are suppose to do is that Satan is really enjoying getting into our business in our weak spots. I thought it might just be us. But it's not. He's getting to our core team too. I find myself praying and asking everyone that I run into to pray for us. So that's where this blog comes in. I'm not a big "look at me" person and I don't really have access all that often to Steve's computer with time that I can blog. But I thought just perhaps that a few of you who stopped to read might be interested in some specifics to pray for. And so I thought I would share a few requests and maybe pick up a few prayer warriors along the way. We need them.

Prayer Requests:
1.Protection from Satan and his attacks on our family and the families that will be helping us in Fort Worth. House selling and buying, busyness, relationships, health of children, and death are all things being dealt with with our few families right now.

2.We are specifically praying for our house to sell. We have not shown our house since it went back on the market. We have faith that God will take care of this, but we are asking for patience as we wait on his timetable and not ours. We are praying for the people that move into our house to be good friends to our neighbors and that they come to know Jesus if they do not already. We pray for the house that God has picked out for us in Fort Worth that it be by people that we can learn to love and share Jesus with and be friends with.

3. Jobs: I have a wonderful praise in that I have a job with Fort Worth ISD. I don't have any details yet about the job, and for me being the planner I am learning to put that in God's hands. I'm praying for Him to place me in the school that He wants me in. Steve is also looking for a job so that it will not be a stress for us to pay bills. This may not be in God's plans as so far he has not gotten good leads so far. We are considering the possibility that God may need him to be full-time pastor from the beginning and that is going to require much prayer and faith on our part. But we've made it for months on one income before. I have no doubt God will provide. Pray with us!

4. We are praying for our children. They are doing amazing so far. They pray with us for Fort Worth and for the things we need to happen in order to get there. Our prayer is that this is a growing time for them. That they see how we handle these situations and that they see God at work. We are praying for the schools they will go to, for the teachers they will have, and for each of them to make a new and special friend when we move.

5. We are praying for the people of southwest Fort Worth. That they be open and receptive to us when we get there. That their hearts even now are being prepared to hear about Jesus.

6. We are praying for the people of Kaufman and for FBC Kaufman. They have been our backbone and our life. We pray that God continues to bless them and grow them.

I am not completely selfish in my prayers. I have more thanks and praises than anyone would care to read, but I tell Jesus about them. I also have many many friends that I am praying for; too many to list. Many of them I am praying for because I read their blog. Thus spurring me on to give this a try. I would be honored if you would let me pray for you in return. You can send me an e-mail at

Thank you for reading this far. And thank you for your prayers.


Lydia said...

We are definitely praying for you guys! Thanks for the list of specific things to be praying for. I'm so happy for you with this new job!! But I also know that new jobs are stressful too, so I'll be praying that your transition is smooth and you have instant friends and prospects with your co-workers.

e. l. wood said...

know that we got your back from the deep south!